Exploring Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online

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  • zy-alla-yogansen-syn-gai-slovo.jpg

    A photograph depicting artist, author and translator Alla Herburt Ǐohansen and two children in front of the "Slovo" House in Kharkiv, а residential house built by the literary authors' cooperative in late 1920s.
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    This gazebo of Boldyni Hory Park in the Boldy Mountains was built in honor of Tsar Nicholas II's visit to Chernihiv in 1911. A tea ceremony was organised in the gazebo for the emperor. It has remained since then a romantic place for the visitors of the park.
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    An amphora (jar) from the ancient Greek colonies of the Northern Black Sea Coast. Decorated in red-figure style, the painting represents an exchange between a man and a woman.
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    Apostle. After 1595, Vilno, Mamonich printing house.
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    Part of the exhibit of samples of pharmaceutical containers for storage of bulk medicines from the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
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    A publicity photo from the rock opera, The White Crow, featuring Dar’ia Nedavnia as Joan of Arc. Directed by Anzhelika Dobrunova. Premiered at Donetsk Academic Regional Drama Theater on October 19, 2019.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/barmy-miku.jpg

    This necklace has four medallions depicting religious icons. It was found c. 1900 near the village of Sakhnivka in the Cherkasy region.
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    Boryviter, or a windhover, is a bird able to hover in the air for a long time. The concept of the authors was emotional bond between the panel and the sea view from the window next to it, the bond evoked by the name and colors. This panel is also located in the "Aristocrat," the restaurant in Mariupol.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/brooch-kn4607.JPG

    A metal brooch created using an engraving technique. It is from the village of Shepit in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/brass-necklace.jpg

    A brass necklace containing two rows of bells, 11 on the bottom and 5 on the top, stamped from sheet metal. The bells are strung on a chain of twisted wire.
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