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Пам'ятка природи «Дубовий гай», місто Кремінна
Nature monument "Oak grove", city of Kreminna - plantation of pedunculate oak . "Oak Grove" is one of the most interesting objects of the nature reserve fund of the Kreminna Region. Here you can find plants and animals listed in the Red Book. The age of the oaks is more than 250 years, the average height of the trees is 23 meters, the average diameter is 100 centimeters. The forest area is unique in the Luhansk region in terms of the age and size of the trees. -
[Одещина. Дівчина з реконструкцією весільного вінка.]
Odesa region. The reconstruction of an ancient wedding wreath from village of Zagnitkiv. There is a lot decorated with colored foil, drops of wax and "candies" - twisted cylinders made of corrugated paper. -
[Херсонщина. Дівчина зі скляним намистом.]
In the Kherson Region, Ksenia Malyukova and her creative group visited the village of Mala Kardashinka, Holoprystan district. This is an ancient farm of Oleshkiv Volost, Dnipro County, Tavriy Province, founded in 1837 as a result of the reorganization of the Kardashyn farms. The necklace looks quite unusual. In the South, such a glass necklace, similar to a bright Christmas tree decoration, was called "scales" and was worn on major holidays. -
[The building of the "Bakhmut-1" railway station, formerly "Artemivsk-1" in Bakhmut]
The building of the "Bakhmut-1" railway station, formerly "Artemivsk-1" built in 1878. Location for technical library for railwaymen. Damaged by shelling of Russian Army in September 2022. -
Донецький академічний обласний драматичний театр в Маріуполі
Drama Theater in Mariupol. The house is built of Crimean inkerman gray stone in the style of monumental classicism with a huge number of stucco decorated components. On the facade of the building there is a sculptural composition, where the main role is given to metallurgists and farmers as the main professions of the Azov region, to whom the patrons of art perform a laudatory ode. As a result of the bombing the theater was destroyed on 17th March 2022. -
Собора Архістратига Божого Михаїла
Photos of the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Mariupol -
Церква Різдва Богородиці, Перемога
The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin is located in the village of Peremoha in the Kyiv region. It was built in the 19th century and its wooden exterior had survived without any major changes until 2022, when Russian artillery shelling damaged the facades, doors, windows and interior. -
Рушник святковий відтворений за зразком ІХ сторіччя, Кремінський район
A festive towel reproduced according to a 9th century hand embroidery technique, and a cloth napkin decorated with a cross-stitch technique. -
Лікарня при содовому заводі
This hospital was built at the soda factory and located in the "Belgian heritage," the conventional name of a residential quarter in Lysychansk, which consisted of residential and public buildings erected at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century for the servants and workers. -
Музей м Ірпінь (Ірпінський історико-краєзнавчий музей)
A video featuring items in the collections of the Irpin Museum of Local History in Irpin, Kyiv Oblast. Collections were begun by local teacher Oleksiǐ Mykolaǐovych Perederiǐ and his students in 1977 and the museum was formally founded by the city in 1985.
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