Exploring Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online

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  • holy-dormition.png

    A 3D virtual tour of the Holy Mountains Lavra of the Holy Dormition, an Orthodox Christian monastery on the banks of the Sivers′kyi Donets′ River.
  • earrings.png

    These are earrings made of gold and river pearls from a rich burial of a Sarmatian leader of the 1st century. This burial was found in 1984 in the mound village of Porogi, Vinnytsia region under the leadership of B.I. Lobai.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/earrings_line42.jpeg

    White metal floral-pattern earrings made through casting/engraving.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/earrings_line43.jpeg

    Silver-colored flower earrings with a bead of red colored glass in the center. From the Poltava region.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/silyanka_Mykhailyshyn.jpg

    A traditional Ukrainian silyanka necklace beaded with colors of yellow, burgundy, green, white, red, and blue. The necklace pattern is geometric and below the design are white beaded loops.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/silyanka-kh22464.jpg

    A silyanka necklace handmade with interwoven glass beads and white metal. Traditionally worn as a choker, it often complemented other jewelry pieces. It could also be worn as a hair piece. This necklace originated in Podilia.
  • https://gallery.sucho.org/files/original/womens_pletenka.jpeg

    A handmade women’s necklace. Made from wool and strands of glass beads woven into a geometric pattern.
  • 35508457742_62aa5764b2_c.jpg

    Feast for St. John of Shanghai held on July 2, 2017 in his hometown of Adamovka in the Donetsk Region of Ukraine.
  • pendants.png

    It is a piece of jewellery, made of gold and glas from a rich burial of a Sarmatian leader of the 1st century. This burial was found in 1984 in the mound village of Porogi, Vinnytsia region under the leadership of B.I. Lobai.
  • 54f3a0fde66de9912885a8be1a733586.jpg

    Sculpture of the Kosiv potter Pavlyna Tsvilyk in traditional clothes.
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